Friday 7 October 2011

Are you a fashion diva

The concept of fashion, right now, is so hot that people buy clothes every other day just to be ‘in’. There are few people I know who don’t like to repeat wearing same clothes to college or school. The amount of money spent on clothes and accessories are exhilarating. But does that really make you a fashion diva?? Are you really happy buying clothes after clothes?? Want to know then read on…

So the other day I asked a 12 year old girl what is the meaning of ‘in’ and she says that it is the term for ‘belonging in the cool crowd’ and it is the form of acceptance. It was really surprising that peoples at that age care about the status-quo. It is really sad that the innocence is lost and such young girls will only befriend people who wear nice and expensive clothes. Fashion should be about you and not the person you see on the television. It should be in the clothes that define ‘you’ and that’s when you become the real fashion diva. More than the clothes you wear, the attitude you show attracts people. A person with the helping and the caring heart is the ‘real fashion diva’. Few years down the lane, the people who are friends with you just for the clothes you wear will forget you but the person who you were good to will remain you friend forever.

Technically who defines the term ‘fashion diva’, well most of the time we don’t even know it. Just because we see it in a store window we jump at it. I like to wear good clothes as well but then it is annoying when a lot of people come and call my clothes ‘so yesterday’. People cannot be naïve and just buy things the media puts forward. I cannot be another person just because the society asks me to. Do not give in to the materialistic craving which is deviously created by the media just to rob you off your money. We need to let the world know that women are not only about pretty clothes and shoes but we are much more than that.

I would always love to go and talk to a person who smiles and have a pleasant attitude rather than a person wearing new and the fashionable new clothes. Make people around you happy and that will definitely fulfill your needs to attract people. There is no need of spending tons of money on new clothes and make up when all you need to do to be a fashion diva is just be ‘you’.

Moreover by buying new clothes and accessories people are not even satisfied but to buy the next best thing. There is no room for happiness and no room for the lovely smile which is always free. The best things in life is always free, do not forget that.  Always believe in ‘you’ and that makes this world a beautiful place to live in. It never gives you the sense of satisfaction or the sense of being the fashion diva. Create your own fashion diva and just believe in you!

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